Monthly Archives: April 2006

The tastiest part of the chicken is…

I just had to snap a photo of this snack from a roadside stand in Laos. It was somewhere between Luang Prabong and Vang Vien, to be specific. I’m not exactly sure what part of this is edible, but there they were, a couple trays full of them, all nicely bundled up. Unfortunately the photo […]

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Welcome to my webpage. Maybe someday I’ll do something with it.

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Ain’t nothing like grilled frogs on a stick

Here’s a tasty snack found in Laos and some parts of Northeast Thailand. Quarter-sized grilled frogs on a stick.  These particular frogs were found on the riverside in Vientiane, where I might add that I also happened to find some of the best and cheapest grilled ribs I’ve ever had.  Pleasant surroundings, too, just sitting […]

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