Monthly Archives: October 2007

Beef insides

Here we have another Isaan favorite, dtom haeng (or the longer version: dtom haeng kruang nai wua [ต้มแห้งเครื่องในวัว]). In this case we have beef insides, although pork can also be used. It can also be served as a soup. Actually, it is usually just simmering in a giant pot and even you want the soup […]

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Mini fish

This here is a simple Isaan dish of cooked fish (aw bplaa [เอาะปลา]). You just eat each of those fish in one bite, bones, brain and all. The bones are pretty small so they’re not too sharp or crunchy, but this is really borderline. If the fish were just a tiny bit bigger I don’t […]

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Tasty little bugs

These tiny bugs, called gudjii [กุ๊ดจี่] up in Isaan are another unique snack. These bugs are actually members of the dung beetle family. In other words, they are bugs that live almost exclusively on animal poop. And many types don’t just eat the poop, but actually play with it by rolling it into little balls. […]

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Spinal cord soup

This here is a common Isaan dish called dtom saep [ต้มแซบ]. It is a sourish soup, somewhat like tom yam with the main difference in the meat department. Tom yam is generally served with chicken or shrimp as the meat whereas dtom saep is always (as far as I know) with pork or beef. And […]

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