Category Archives: featured

featured articles


It has gone on long enough. How have I forgotten to mention the best (by a huge margin) Thai beer there is? Leo has the right taste and right price to make it my beer of choice. It is much tastier than Singha and Chang. Much cheaper than Heineken and other brands. They even have […]

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Indonesia Photos

Here’s a few photos from Indonesia. Mostly from Bali since Jakarta basically has nothing worth taking a phot of. All in all a fun trip. Indonesia 2008

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The Food List

Someday soon I’ll have a giant list of the weird foods I’ve eaten over the past few years. It’ll be an enjoyable way to kill a few minutes of your time. This post is really just filler material for now.

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Some photo albums.

Here’s one more post just to give some content. Two major photo albums are up so here they are: Vietnam and Thailand 2008 Europe 2007

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