Monthly Archives: May 2006


A quick photo of some jackfruit chunks already extracted from the fruit.  Jackfruits are huge! Possibly the largest edible fruit? I’m not sure, but they are quite tasty.  Sweet and candy-like, they somewhat remind me of pineapple without any of the sourness at all.

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Gaeng som with fish eggs

Gaeng som (แกงส้ม) is a popular curry in Thailand.  It is often described in English as sour fish curry, which describes it pretty well.  It is usually served with shrimp or fish as the designated meat and a large collection of vegetables.  Often an omelet with a Thai vegetable called cha-om is added for extra […]

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Dragonfruit, also called pitaya, and known as แก้วมังกร [gaewmanggon] has become one of my favorite fruits in Thailand.  In my opinion, the flesh strongly resembles a kiwi fruit in texture, although the flavor is a bit sweeter and less sour. Just looking at the flesh below with all the tiny black seeds distributed throughout the […]

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Mangosteen – The queen of fruits

I previously mentioned durian, the so-called king of fruits, so obviously I had to show a few photos of its partner in crime, mangosteen (มันคุด [mankut]).  This tropical fruit has a tough, thick skin (that can easily stain your clothes, as well) with juicy, sweet-tart tasting flesh inside. It’s called the queen of fruits because […]

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Here’s a short post just to show a photo of some lychees.  In Thailand called ลี้นจี่ [linjee], they are big, juicy, and sweet here.  Way better than any I’ve had elsewhere.

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Pig skin salad – Yeah, you read that right!

This here is an image of ยำแยหนม [yam naem] which literally translates to sausage salad. That sounds pretty innocent, but it actually doesn’t contain sausage – at least not in the western sense.  The main ingredient is pig skin (boiled, I believe).  Chewy, thick, julienned, tasteless pig skin.  The saving grace is the other main […]

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The name sounds like some sort of dinosaur, but in actuality it’s just a tasty fruit.  They’re very sweet with a pear-like, but soft texture.  Sapodillas are really natives of Mexico, but they have grown in popularity in Asia to the point of being a cheap, common find when they’re in season.

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Salak fruit

Here we have สละ [sala], another common fruit in this area. In English it’s called salak or snakefruit.  It comes from a palm tree and the fruit tastes similar to pineapple, although the texture is much more firm and dry.  They come in clusters like shown and are a pain in the but to get […]

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