Monthly Archives: March 2008

The Food List

Someday soon I’ll have a giant list of the weird foods I’ve eaten over the past few years. It’ll be an enjoyable way to kill a few minutes of your time. This post is really just filler material for now.

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Some photo albums.

Here’s one more post just to give some content. Two major photo albums are up so here they are: Vietnam and Thailand 2008 Europe 2007

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Sugar palm fruit

This one was a hard one to find any information on. I knew it was a palm fruit, but apparently there isn’t much information on the internet about these. In Thai its called luk dtan [ลูกตาล] and I finally tracked down a possible English name: sugar palm, toddy palm, or borassus flabellifer. I would consider […]

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Fresh oysters

Here we have a freshly purchased bag of oysters (hoi nang rom [หอยนางรม]). Oysters are plentiful and cheap in Thailand, although not as good as those from abroad. I find the Thai ones to be quite large and somewhat sweet. They are very cheap, though. That bag there cost about $1. No matter where your […]

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