Category Archives: photos

Incredible India

Well, here’s a few memories from my trip to India. Now I have been to India before–it was almost exactly five years ago. After my previous two weeks in Mumbai and Goa, I moved on to Thailand and there was such a contrast that I had pretty much decided I had no need to ever […]

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Indonesia Photos

Here’s a few photos from Indonesia. Mostly from Bali since Jakarta basically has nothing worth taking a phot of. All in all a fun trip. Indonesia 2008

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The Food List

Someday soon I’ll have a giant list of the weird foods I’ve eaten over the past few years. It’ll be an enjoyable way to kill a few minutes of your time. This post is really just filler material for now.

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Some photo albums.

Here’s one more post just to give some content. Two major photo albums are up so here they are: Vietnam and Thailand 2008 Europe 2007

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