Tag Archives: drink

What to Drink with Pad Thai

An interesting article on beer pairings with Pad Thai. I personally would just grab a Leo or Archa as they are the only Thai beers worth drinking in my opinion. There isn’t enough selection in Thailand to even think about how to pair your meals anyway. I’m envious when I walk into a supermarket in […]

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Whiskey shots, anyone?

No, this is not the infamous Varinthip whiskey, but something of a much better quality. Of course, that would include just about every other whiskey you’ve ever encountered. Besides the fact that it’s whiskey (Whiskey is very common around here and by far the liquor of choice in Asia), I thought the ice cube shot […]

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It has gone on long enough. How have I forgotten to mention the best (by a huge margin) Thai beer there is? Leo has the right taste and right price to make it my beer of choice. It is much tastier than Singha and Chang. Much cheaper than Heineken and other brands. They even have […]

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Chili beer!

Here’s a really interesting beer that I found in Hanoi as we were leaving.  I like beer, I like chilies, and it sounded quite strange so of course I had to buy it.  After purchasing, I was happily surprised to find a real chili (serrano I believe) floating inside.  I was even more surprised when […]

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Thai style drink

You can’t admire all the interesting food on this side of the world while ignoring the huge variety of drinks.  Many of the drinks are actually desserts that are just packaged in a convenient way.  Here’s one particular drink (lawd chawng [ลอดช่อง]) and I’m not sure exactly what it is, but something along the lines […]

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