Category Archives: drink

Rum Caviar Recipe

Similar to my post on spherification a few days back, here is another simple recipe to try. This one seems even easier and it involves alcohol. Two thumbs up! Rum Caviar tutorial : Mix That Drink.

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What to Drink with Pad Thai

An interesting article on beer pairings with Pad Thai. I personally would just grab a Leo or Archa as they are the only Thai beers worth drinking in my opinion. There isn’t enough selection in Thailand to even think about how to pair your meals anyway. I’m envious when I walk into a supermarket in […]

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Cheeseburger cocktail

This cocktail recipe sounds really interesting, seems really difficult, and is really weak. Seriously, only one ounce of rum in all of that! It’s too complicated for me to make, but obviously adjustments will be needed. Liquid cheeseburgers? Check it out | |

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