Tag Archives: america

Happy 4th of July!

This year for the 4th of July we all went over to a friend’s house for a nice BBQ. It was great! We had all sorts of our favorite foods including hot dogs and hamburgers, macaroni salad, potato salad, corn, potatoes, and even kielbasi and sauerkraut. I brought pork and chicken kebabs in two different […]

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Obligatory trash plate

Alright, you knew it was going to happen. It happens every year. So here it is: the obligatory trash plate post. Boy, my mouth is watering just looking at these. I should start selling these in Thailand. At least give my friends who have never heard of such a thing witness the magic within. I […]

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Tops turkey

Thanksgiving was more than a week ago, but we just had our belated feast. Turkey is not common in Thailand although it can be purchased at a pretty penny in most upscale grocery stores. If you do decide to splurge on a turkey, then you encounter the problem that ovens (and definitely not ones big […]

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Catfish ‘fingers’

Here’s a plate of catfish pieces from Dinosaur BBQ.  I prefer to call them catfish ‘fingers’.  nothing too odd about these, but they are very different from the catfish in Thailand.  Thais eat a lot of catfish (bplaa duk [ปลาดุก]) prepared in many ways.  Thailand is also known for some of the largest catfish in […]

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Here’s an entree of scallops from a restaurant in Rochester. Nothing too strange about this one, but it was so tasty I couldn’t resist posting the picture.  While scallops are common in some asian cuisines, it is rare to find them in Thailand.  As far as I know, even though the use of shellfish is […]

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Can’t resist the trash plate

Well, everytim I make it back to the US, I must have a trash plate at some point during the trip.  Here’s this visit’s.  Wow it makes my mouth water just looking at this photo.  Too bad there’s nothing like this available in Bangkok.

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Fresh northeastern game

Here’s a nice collection of some less common meats.  I certainly wouldn’t consider these rare or strange, but we don’t see them all that often.  And they sure are tasty!  This is venison, goose, and pheasant all three of which my friend hunted and smoked for our eating pleasure.  We should have made some Thai […]

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Tofurky is some weird meat

What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than with a Tofurky? Actually these photos were taken in April, but that’s besides the point. What we have here is a totally vegan imitation turkey. Unfortunately this one isn’t molded into the shape of a turkey like the one I saw last year, but it certainly tasted a […]

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Geoduck – one huge clam

Here’s a strange one that unfortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to try yet.  These photos were taken in an Asian grocery store in New York City  I don’t know much about geoduck, but I’ll definitely need to add it to my ‘To Eat’ list.

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Alligator bits

Here’s another tasty appetizer from good old Dinosaur BBQ.  I wouldn’t consider this meat overwhelmingly strange, but I would say that it’s strange not to see more Asians eating it.  Around Thailand there is a lot of crocodiles and alligators, but I have never seen it on a menu.  The only times I’ve seen these […]

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