Yam bplaa salid [ยำปลา่สลิด]


Oops...forgot the photo

Sorry about the photo. I guess I was hungry. This is my leftover yam bplaa salid [ยำปลา่สลิด], which basically translates as a sun-dried fish salad. There’s nothing too interesting about the salad, just your typical yam (Thai style sour and spicy). The fish is what’s interesting. Basically, this is deep-fried pieces of fish, bones and all, that is now as crispy as a potato chip. As a result, you eat the whole thing, bones and all. Occasionally I get poked in the mouth by some of the larger bones and it hurts! I guess Thais are just accustomed to eating these types of things. A nice tasty dish, but man do I miss my nice sized pieces of boneless fish from back home. It’s rare to get a large piece of fish with no bones around here unless you’re willing to pay the hefty markup.

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