Beach vendor


Beach vendor

This is a beach side vendor selling a variety of things.  He’ll spend all day in the hot sun walking up and down the beach carrying all that stuff trying to sell his wares.  The peanuts are the tasty, boiled kind. He’s also got some cookies, jabok nuts, and eggs. Also notice the grilled, flattened squid sticking out of the pipe. An interesting selection, but let me tell you how the eggs are prepared.

There are three eggs on each skewer being warmed over the grill. How can an egg be on a skewer without making a big mess? Well, the vendor first carefully pierces the eggs open with a small nail and dumps all the liquid into a bowl. It is then mixed up with some soy sauce and probably other spices before being funneled back into the egg shells. These are then steamed until cooked where they can then be pierced all the way through without making a mess. I always thought they were actually cooked on the grill, but now I know it is just to keep them nice and warm. That sounds like a lot of work for such a simple snack, but they sure are tasty.

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