Chicken feet are probably one of the more well-known oddities that are common in Asia. They are actually a very versatile ingredient as they can be put in soups (shown here), salads, and deep-fried, amongst other preparations. To be honest, though, I’m not really sure why people enjoy them. They are hard, crunchy and chewy from the combination of skin, bone, and cartilage that makes them up and otherwise just taste (sort of) like chicken. And let’s not forget to mention that those feet usually haven’t been walking around the cleanest of places. I’ll pass on these and go for the chicken breast, please. Which brings up the point that supposedly many chicken farms in the US just keep the white meat, drumsticks, and wings (the good parts) for US consumption and ship the rest over to Asia and they think there getting the better end of the deal. I’m not so sure this is true, though, since chickens are in abundance over here so I don’t see any need to ship them. Well, as long as both sides are happy…
Hi, I'm Joe, your typical cyber traveler and world tourist currently based in Thailand. This blog is about:
- Strange foods I've encountered around the world (mostly in Thailand)
- Interesting fusion recipes
- Food I love (HAMBURGERS) and other obscene creations
- Other food related oddities
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