Tag Archives: thailand

Scorpions (again)

Well, you can never have too many photos of scorpions so here you go!

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Grilled chicken gizzards

This is a skewer of grilled chicken gizzards (sitting on top a bag of hot dogs, of course). Called gun gai yang [กึ๋นไก่ย่าง] in Thai, gizzards are a secondary stomach used by some animals to grind up food. They are actually quite a popular food throughout the world. I am actually very surprised this is […]

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Three edible insects…cooked

Well, it didn’t take long to prepare those. Throw them into the wok with a bit of soy sauce and there you go. So now I have this stir-fried assortment of bugs sitting in front of me. I won’t be digging in too much, though. I just had a sample of each and that is […]

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Three edible insects

I came home just the other day to discover that someone had purchased a bag of treats. Maybe I should be more specific and say a bag of Thai treats…AKA bugs. Yep, I encountered a variety bag of bugs including grasshoppers (dtakadaen [ตั๊กแตน]), water beetles (malaeng dtapdtao [แมลงตับเต่า]), and mole crickets (malaeng sawn[แมลงซอน]). I have […]

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Chocolate covered seaweed for Valentine’s Day

I was at Chatujak Market around Valentine’s Day this year where I encountered some Thai TV stars and their crew promoting these chocolate covered seaweed treats. It’s a very odd combination and reminds me of something the people that eat peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches might enjoy. Seaweed is very popular in Thailand even though […]

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Duck tongues

I wasn’t even fully aware that birds really had tongues, but sure enough here we have a plate full of grilled duck tongues (ลิ้นเป็ดย่าง [lin bped yaang]). Duck tongues aren’t terribly common, but if you go somewhere with an extensive menu you might run into them. They are considered a drinking snack and we ordered […]

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Tops turkey

Thanksgiving was more than a week ago, but we just had our belated feast. Turkey is not common in Thailand although it can be purchased at a pretty penny in most upscale grocery stores. If you do decide to splurge on a turkey, then you encounter the problem that ovens (and definitely not ones big […]

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Mango tree

Ahh…the mango tree in front of my house. I still haven’t figured out how it works. The fruits are psuedo-seasonal (I guess) but they come at seemingly unrelated parts of the year and in varying sized batches. The trick is being able to time it well enough to let them grow nice and large, but […]

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It has gone on long enough. How have I forgotten to mention the best (by a huge margin) Thai beer there is? Leo has the right taste and right price to make it my beer of choice. It is much tastier than Singha and Chang. Much cheaper than Heineken and other brands. They even have […]

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Bamboo salad

This here is an Isaan dish called supnawmai [ซุบหน่อไม้]. It is basically a bamboo salad in a similar vein as somtom. I really enjoy this dish and for a little while was going on a binge ordering ever day. It is nice and sour from the pickled bamboo that forms it’s base, but it’s got […]

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